About Us

Our mission is to provide the best personal safety products on the Italian market. That’s why our work focuses on the development and research of the world’s best manufacturers.
Our partnership with manufacturers allows us to carefully select the product according to the needs of our customers.
Our business philosophy is based on the development of intelligent life, namely the application of technology and innovation to create a safer life.
A more and more smart life seeking technology support to improve its condition and perception is why we are dealing with wearable devices, smart clocks, domotic products, electronic and digital products, communication products and peripherals, computers, telephones Mobile phones, mobile terminals and the design and sale of smart medical devices.

By purchasing from us you will get the following benefits:

Italy 24 months warranty (incidental damage)
Free Standard Shipping;
Free accessories;
On-demand insurance against accidental damages, when purchasing, you can assure your FBWatch of any kind of damage;
After sales service